1. Computerized Adangal | |
2. Integrated Certificate | |
3. Income Certificate | |
4. Family member Certificate | |
5. Issuance Of Income & Asset Certificate For Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) | DOWNLOAD |
6. Issuance Of Small And Marginal Farmer Certificate | DOWNLOAD |
7. OBC Certificate | |
8. Late Registration Of Death | |
9. Agriculture Income Certificate | |
10. Possession Certificate | |
11. No Earning Certificate | DOWNLOAD |
12. Manual Adangal | DOWNLOAD |
13. Mutation and Title Deed Cum PPB | DOWNLOAD |
14. Title Deed Cum Passbook | DOWNLOAD |
15. ROR - 1B | DOWNLOAD |
16. Printing of Title Deed cum passbook | DOWNLOAD |
17. Change of Name Application | DOWNLOAD |
18. Extract of House site / D-Form Patta Application | DOWNLOAD |
19. Extract of NOC under Explosive / Petroleum Act | DOWNLOAD |
20. Permission of Digging of Bore Well for Agricultural Purpose | DOWNLOAD |
21. No Property Application Service | DOWNLOAD |
22. Renewal Of Cinema License | DOWNLOAD |
23. Issue of Occupancy Rights Certificates for Inam Lands | DOWNLOAD |
24. Issue of NOC For Storing of Petroleum Products | DOWNLOAD |
25. Cracker license Application | DOWNLOAD |
26. Duplicate of OBC / EBC / Integrated Certificate | DOWNLOAD |
27. AP Dotted Lands Application | DOWNLOAD |
28. Re-Issuance of Certificate | DOWNLOAD |
29. Mutation by Corrections & Automatic Pattadar Passbook Ordering | DOWNLOAD |
30. Pattadar Aadhar Seeding to LP Number | DOWNLOAD |
31. Mutation by Transactions - LP Number(s) | DOWNLOAD |
32. Land conversion (Agriculture to Non agriculture) | DOWNLOAD |
33. Water Tax Application | DOWNLOAD |
34. Secretariat to Revenue Village Mapping | DOWNLOAD |
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